Demo - IQBBA BA Certification Prep Course - CFLBA

This course is designed to prepare you for the CFLBA examination. This course provides a basic understanding of the requirements process from beginning to end. The sessions are designed to take you through methods for analyzing the problem to be solved, gathering user input to determine user needs, documenting the requirements for the problem solution, managing the entire requirements lifecycle, and testing the requirements. Each module is reinforced with group exercises to allow the students immediate application of the concepts presented in each module. At the conclusion of the workshop, a question and answer session will be conducted to deal with some of the most frequently asked questions.

The course also provides 100% coverage of the CFLBA Syllabus.

By attending this workshop, you should leave equipped to gather, define, manage and validate requirements in his or her own organization. No special knowledge of systems or requirements is required or assumed to attend this course.